
Dating Love

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Make Him Chase You - He'll Love You With His Whole Heart


Would you like to make him chase you? Would you like to have him put his running shoes on and seriously run you down until you have captured his heart? You can do it. Follow this great dating advice and you will be able to make him chase you - until he is caught.

Is This What You are Looking For?

Do you want love, romance, a commitment, a proposal, a wedding and a marriage? Do you want a boyfriend / husband / lover / soul mate? Do you want more than a fling or a hook up? Of course you do.

Run Away

If you want to make him chase you, you have to run away; play hard to get. It may seem to go contrary to logic, but it really works. It is kind of like a dog. Dogs love to chase, but they will not chase something that is not moving.

in the same way, if you are not running away, or playing hard to get, there is nothing for him to chase.

Run Like This

If you see him at a party, go over and chat. BUT - if you want to make him chase you, keep that chat very short. Make it as interesting and sweet as possible. Then go and talk to someone else. When you leave, he will want you to stay. He will want more.

If you had stayed and talked until nobody had anything left to say, he would get bored. He would want you to go. This is not the way to make him chase you. Remember - keep it short and sweet. Then move on.

Make Sure That He Sees the Bait

The bait is your wonderful personality. Make sure that you smile at him. Make sure that you use his name. Touch him, briefly, on the arm or hand when you are speaking sometimes. The human touch can help you to bond. It sends a warm, personal message. It can help to make him chase you.

Have a Good Time

Make it a point to be a fun, happy, enjoyable person. Travel whenever possible. Have a huge circle of friends. Be busy. Learn things and keep up on the news. Have a hobby. These things will add dimension and depth to your personality. They will make you happier and they are absolutely necessary if you are going to make him chase you.

Start Running

Apply these things. Show him what he is missing. Pay him some warm personal attention. Be a fun, interesting, engaging woman. Then put your running shoes on. You will be able to make him chase you.


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