How to Attract a Guy - Attract Him Like a Moth to a Flame

How to attract a guy is something that they should have taught in high school. It is more necessary than cooking skills. So how does one do it? Would you like to know the truth of how to attract a guy?
It Can be Like a Moth to a Flame
Why does a moth go to the flame? Is the light the attraction? Is it looking for heat? We do not know. But the important thing that we do know is that the flame is what attracts the moth. If you can figure out what his flame is, you can figure out how to attract a guy.
The Danger
Have you been watching the news? The world is very dangerous. Guys can be dangerous. Be very careful. Some may lie to you for selfish purposes. He may just want a fling; a sexual hookup; friends with benefits arrangements. Do not fall for that and engage in a superficial relationship.
You Deserve This
You deserve love and romance. You deserve to have a man whom you can call your boyfriend / lover / husband / soul mate. Do not settle for less. Do not fall for a line and allow yourself to be used.
Be the Flame - The Light
This is how to attract a guy - be the most attractive you can be. This does not mean sexy. It means to find your most flattering color and wear it often. Find the make up that works best for you. It means to go to a hair tech and ask her advice on finding the best hair style. Give him something to look at. Be the light.
Be the Flame - The Heat
This is how to attract a guy - show him some personal attention. Smile at him often. Tell him a joke. Talk about things he enjoys. Be the heat.
Enter - the Moth
Here he comes. Follow these tips. Watch them work. This is how to attract a guy - like a moth to a flame. May you live happily ever after.
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