7 Signs a Man Wants to Marry You? Look For These Signs & Understand What He Truly Wants to Do

Have you been in a state of tension wondering if he is going to ask you to marry him? It is only natural if you are. Very often after a woman has been dating a particular man for a long time, she nurtures a longing to be his wife. If he fails to ask her to be his wife, she is heartbroken and disillusioned. Here are some ways to know if he is going to pop the question.
Don't assume to know what his feelings for you are
Till he tells you loud and clear that he loves you and intends to marry you, or at gives you broad hints as to his intentions - don't come to any conclusions of your own as you could be setting yourself up for a disappointment. Look for the signs instead of counting your chickens before they hatch.
He will constantly talk of the future
A man who is not afraid of commitment or marriage will not be afraid of talking of the future. His plans will always include you. This means that he has already made up his mind where you are concerned and you can safely assume that you have a future with him.
He will want his family to know you
If he has made up his mind to have you as his wife, he will want to introduce you to his family. He will go out of his way to see that his family knows the woman he loves and intends to marry. He will also make sure that you are introduced to his closest friends and you will see the pride and love he has for you in his eyes.
He will be comfortable talking about weddings and rings
He will not shy away from the topic of weddings and other things that you would like to discuss. He will in fact be ready to discuss stuff like whether he believes in a church wedding or if he likes big weddings! These topics will not frighten him away and if he intends to ask you to marry him, he will even be the first to talk about these things.
He will start getting more responsible
You will find that he has changed for the better. Not only will he become more responsible where finances are concerned, but he will start trying to show you how you can depend on him to be there for you. He will want to prove his worth and make you comfortable with the idea of marrying him.
He will give you priority in his life
Once he starts getting serious about you, you will be the first priority in his life. His friends and everyone else will take second and third place! Once you see him giving you all his attention and importance you should know that you mean a lot to him. Besides he will start talking of you and him as a couple.
He will seem edgy and excited if he wants to propose
If he has been walking around with an engagement ring in his pocket, he is bound to let the cat out of the bag sooner or later. His manner will give him away. He will be on edge, look happy and excited and treat you like you are the most precious person in his life. If he has booked a table at the most romantic restaurant and has asked you to be ready for the surprise of your life - you can expect a proposal!
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