How to Attract Any Man - 5 Things That Drive Men Crazy!

Are you having a hard time attracting men? Do you want to know how to get a guy's affection? Are you clueless as to what it is that men really want? Attracting men is really more simple that women make it out to be. We over-think and over-do when men really are simple in their desires. There are five basic things that you can do that will get a man's attention.
1. Be yourself
Men are attracted to a woman that is unique. He needs to know what it is about you that separates you from every other woman he sees every day. Instead of trying to pretend to be someone you're not, show him your true colors. Do you have a great sense of humor? Are you intelligent? Play these up and let him have a taste of just how special you really are.
2. Appeal to his senses
Wear something that is soft to the touch. Wear a light but alluring perfume. Wearing a scent that is sexy and soft will leave him smelling you long after you have walked away.
3. Body language
When you talk to him, make an effort to lean in his direction. Touch his arm when engaged in conversation. This will give him the signal that you are most definitely into him.
4. Laugh out loud
Don't try to hard with cheesy jokes or being unnatural. But if there is an opportunity in which you can make him laugh, go for it! Laughing releases chemicals in the brain called serotonin. These chemicals give a feeling of happiness and well being.
5. Mind your manners
When you talk to him, don't engage in gossip or trash talk anyone. Avoid talking about other men, clothes, makeup, and money. These topic discussions turn a man off quickly! Treat others and yourself with kindness. He will find you more attractive for it.
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