Make a Guy Chase You - And Let Him Catch Himself

How can you make a guy chase you? How can you get more than a sexual hookup or a fling? How can you make him your boyfriend / husband / lover / soul mate?
Give Him Something to Chase
Can you imagine a dog chasing a parked car? It doesn't happen. But when the car starts moving away, the dog feels like he needs to chase it. The same is true with men. If you want to make a guy chase you, you need to give him something to chase.
Run Away
Here is how it is done. Smile at him when you see him. Then let your gaze continue to go around the room. Looking away will intrigue him. It is giving him something to chase.
Go Talk to Him
When you are at a party and he is there, go over and chat. But do not do it right away. That looks like you are needy. Go chat and make it very sweet and interesting. Then cut it short and go talk to someone else. When you leave, he will want to follow. This is how to make a guy chase you.
Call or Text Him
If you have his number, you can call or text him. But, again, make it very sweet and interesting. Then terminate the conversation. He will want more. Make a guy chase you by leaving him wanting more.
Do Not Fail to Do This....
Make sure that you are the kind of person who will add quality to his life. Make sure that you smile often. Laugh a lot. Have a huge circle of friends. Be busy. These things will add intrigue and depth to your personality. They will help in your quest to make a guy chase you.
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