How to Play Hard to Get With Guys - Learn This & You Will Never Struggle Around Men Ever Again

One of the most successful techniques of making a guy fall on his knees and work hard to get into a relationship with you is to play hard to get. This will serve as your basis as to how much you mean to the guy and how patient he will be to earn your love. Read below to learn some tips for you to apply.
Do not be too accommodating with his calls
A guy's way of testing if a woman is interested in him is by making frequent calls and asking a lot of things. If you fall into this trap, he will easily know that you are also interested and might take things lightly. You should not be too accommodating when he is calling. Always tell him to be brief and to the point when making calls.
Limit your messages to a minimum
The same rules apply when sending short messages through the phone. You should make sure that all your answers to him are straight to the point and avoid expounding a topic.
Make him work hard to get a date with you
The ultimate basis of a guy if a woman is interested in him is by convincing her to go out on a date with him. Make sure that the guy trying to win your heart works for this date before you say yes for this will reflect the patience of a man when you are already in a relationship, especially when it comes to making you agree with what he wants.
Do not kiss him on the first date
If you had a wonderful time on your first date, you should learn to prolong his agony and leave something that the two of you can look forward to - the goodnight kiss. Never give it on your first date so that he would not expect much from you.
Make him feel that you are busy with other things
It is normal for a guy to be all over you when he is trying to win your heart. You should not be too accommodating and make him feel that there is time for work and there is the right time for play.
Do not fully open up to him
Being an open book to a guy, especially the one who is interested in you makes things complicated. He might assume that you are vulnerable and might take advantage of your weakness. Show him that you have a strong personality and always leave a mystery for him to think about.
Be on top of things
The most important thing you should do is to stay in control. Giving a guy too many chances would only make him feel complacent and may take things lightly.
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