How Do You Get a Guy to Like You - 5 Easy Steps to Start Today

So, you want to know how do you get a guy to like you, eh? Guys are elusive creatures and it can be really tricky to understand them. Even though there is no 'universal' way to get the guy that you are after (unfortunately) there are several hints that will work on most guys. This article includes 5 of the very best you'll find out there today. Implement them into the courting process and I guaranteed that you'll be surprised at the results that they can give you.
Think First
Chances are that you just developed an attraction for this guy out of nowhere and you haven't really thought that much about why you actually want him. Now I'm not saying to ignore your feelings - quite the opposite. They're really important in making sure that you are able to go in the right direction. I refer to asking yourself just why you want him. For example is it to fill a void in your life? If so, question that void and ask yourself why it's there. You might come up with a better way of filling it.
Become Awesome
If you want the guy to start liking you, then he has to have something to like. Usually, that's your life and your attitude. It's not how you look. It's your life. How are you at the moment? How interesting would you rate yourself? If it's anything less then an 'awesome' (on a scale of one to awesome) then you've got a little bit of work to do. Join some clubs. Get out into the real world. Have fun.
Show Him You're Interested
Do this mainly with intuition. Show the guy that you're an 'option' and that you might be keen for something by smiling, glancing across the room and other things, such as gently crossing your legs when he looks at you. Follow the situation and feel what's needed.
The Approach
If he's not taking the hints that you are giving him, then it's time to take things up a notch. YOU approach HIM. Simple enough to do? If you're still thinking that it might be tough, then truly ask yourself if the fear is worth it.
Enjoy Yourself
Once you've got the guy then it's just a case of keeping him. Always give him his own space and never be controlling. Also, don't whatever you do call him every half and hour to pout. Not worth it.
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