Strengthen Your Relationship - Make it As Hard As Diamond

If you could strengthen your relationship and make it as hard as diamond - that would be pretty awesome. Just like diamond is created by putting pressure on coal, you can put a little pressure on him and strengthen your relationship.
Pressure - The Good Kind
When coal is squeezed, it becomes valuable diamond. What pressure can you put on that boyfriend / husband / lover / soul mate of yours so that he will want to take your relationship to the next level? A very gentle squeeze that you can give him can be your smile. A pleasant smile can strengthen your relationship like nothing else.
When you smile, it makes him feel like smiling. At the same time, he is looking at you. Therefore, he is looking at you and feeling like smiling. What could be better than this gentle pressure to strengthen your relationship?
More Pressure....
Say his name. Have you ever been chatting with friends, and all of a sudden, from the next conversation over, you hear your name? We are attuned to our name; we are thrilled when someone is using it in a good way.
Do It...
When you see him, do not say.... Hi. Rather, say.... Hi, Bob. Do not say.... What do you think? Rather, say.... What do you think, Bob? When he hears you say his name in a good way, it will warm his heart. Good dating advice says to use his name as often as possible. This can strengthen your relationship like a beautiful diamond.
Get a Grip
Get a grip on yourself. You need to discipline yourself if you want to strengthen your relationship with him. Drop negative behavior and comments. Do not act like you are looking for a sexual hookup or friends with benefits arrangements; a fling. These will kill his respect.
Squeeze Hard.....
Make him jealous of your life and your friends. Make it a point to be so happy (do not overdo it, though) and so much fun, that he really wants to be a part of it. Make yourself so enjoyable that he wants to bask in the glow so to speak.
Is He A Diamond?
Is he the one for you? Do you want to gain love, romance, a wedding and marriage? Put the squeeze on him and strengthen your relationship to a diamond like quality.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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