How to Attract Women - You Are The PRIZE!

Usually when a guy looks at a woman that he finds attractive, he immediately starts to associate her with being some kind of a "prize" that he wants to win. You may have heard in romance movies a line where the guy will describe his girlfriend as being a gift that he has to cherish or something to that effect. Well, that sounds sweet and everything, but if that is the attitude that you take when trying to attract a woman... You are going to have a tough time and be in for a rude awakening.
When attracting a woman, you have to start to think of yourself as being the prize and not the other way around. Let me give a brief explanation as to why this is.
When you think of a woman as being the prize, your behavior around her is going to follow suit. You are going to spend all of your time and your energy trying hard to "win" her, and neglect to spend any time at all attracting her using natural methods of attraction.
Here's how to start thinking of yourself as being the prize and not the other way around:
1. The way that you think has to change.
You cannot be so grateful to be in the presence of a woman that you are willing to do anything that you can think of to try and make her like you. If you get caught up thinking like this, your wallet will empty, your ego will get fractured, and you will still end up going home alone for the night. You have to start to think of it being the other way around and that the woman should be grateful for meeting you. This line of thinking will instantly change the way that you behave and give you a much needed shot of confidence.
2. You need to stop worrying about what she is going to think of you.
If you are caught up in worrying about what a woman thinks of you, then you are going to end up getting caught right back in the cycle where she is the prize and you are the jester that is there to put on a show for her. It does not matter really what she thinks of you. Come from a mindset of abundance and realize that there are plenty of fish in the sea, and that you can attract another woman if things don't work out with this one.
3. You need to be able to SHOW HER that she is entering YOUR world.
How do you do this? You don't care about what she thinks of you, and you take her out to places where you feel comfortable. When she is in your environment, there is a "power" shift. She will feel like she has to be the one that wins you over and pleases you. This is how you really begin the shift from thinking of her as the prize into yourself as being the prize.
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