Let Him Know He's Wanted - The Right Way to Tell Him You're Interested

Have you finally a guy and you want to let him know you're interested? Are you trying to let him know you're interested but it seems that you're sending him mixed signals? If you are having difficulty in getting a guy to notice you, you are not alone. Many women are unsure of how to let a guy know she's interested without sending mixed signals. This article will give you the three main ways to let a guy know he's wanted!
1. Teasing:
While too much teasing or harsh teasing can make a guy think you're just mean, subtle teasing can let him know you're interested. Showering him too much with compliments will make him think you're being fake, so break the ice with a little teasing!
2. Flirt:
Flirting is definitely an art. A good flirt can have guys falling over her. The secret to flirting is confidence. Some easy ways to flirt are to make eye contact, smile, or prolong a handshake. When the two of you are talking in a loud place, talk in your normal voice. Get him to lean in close. Touch his arm or hand when you're talking. These are just a few examples of how you can flirt with confidence!
3. Let him chase you:
Men LOVE chasing after women. So, let him. Your job is to flirt and let him know you're interested and then just keep it going. Let him be the one to ask you out or ask for your number. It might take him a little while if he's shy or nervous, but eventually he'll get the idea.
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