What Signs Should I Look For to Know If My Male Friend Really Likes Me Or Not? Check This Out

You are hoping against hope that your friend is attracted to you because you have started to develop feelings for him. The only thing is that he is still one of the gang and you don't know if he too has started becoming attracted to you or not. Here are some ways to know for sure.
He will try to get closer to you
Keep a close watch on him and see if he tries to get closer to you. He might slowly gravitate towards you and end up by your side, even though he may not even look in your direction. See if this happens more than once - it can't be a coincidence! He likes you.
He will call you more often
You will notice that he has suddenly started calling you for silly reasons. He will talk of things that are mundane and linger on the phone just to hear your voice! This is because he is pretending to be just a friend but in reality wants to become something more!
He will talk about you to others
The moment you find him talking about you to others in the group, and all of the things he has been saying are complimentary - he has a huge crush on you. You will find your friends telling you that he has been saying this or that about you. It is possible that he will tell them to tell you!
He becomes personal
When a friend starts to look at you in a different way, his behavior changes. He starts to treat you differently. While at first it did not matter where you sat or stood, now he will make sure you have a seat, you are made comfortable etc. He will go out of his way to see to your needs. He will become more personal and comment on your appearance etc.
He will soon try to get you to see him alone
There will be a time when he will get totally frustrated and fed up with all the friends that hang around you. In the beginning he was one of the crowd but ever since he has started becoming attracted to you, he will begin to resent the presence of others around you and will try to get you alone.
He will maneuver his way into your life
Once he is attracted to you, he will do all he can to maneuver his way into your life. He will try to date you; he will call you and even start considering you to be his! These are sure signs that he is attracted to you.
He will get flustered at the sight of you
One way of knowing that you are making an impression on him is to watch his body language and behavior when you appear on the scene. If he is madly attracted to you, he will stammer, stutter, blush, act cocky, and even talk too much!
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