What to Do If My Boyfriend Pays Attention to Other Women More Than Me? Follow This Right Now

It can be very depressing if one's boyfriend is a big flirt and keeps paying other women more attention. The best thing to do in this situation is to drop him! If you can't do that and love him too much, then you would have to take certain steps to see that he stops his flirtations and starts giving you all his attention. Here are some marvelous ways to do that.
Don't take it lying down!
This means that you don't have to be quiet and complacent about the whole situation. You will have to let him know that you are not happy with the situation and you would like him to change. Let him know that you know that he is flirting and it is distasteful to you. Once he knows he might be repentant.
You don't want him to be discreet - you want him to change
Even if his behavior becomes more discreet and he stops paying attention to other women in your presence, you still don't know if he is going to do it behind your back! The truth is that you want him to change and be true to you. Let him know that he has to be honest with you and cut out the flirting and cheating altogether.
See if he likes it if the boot were on the other foot!
What you could do is give him a taste of his own medicine. See if he likes it when you flirt or give his friends more attention. He will probably be shocked and hate the idea! Once he gets jolted into realizing that you too could do the same, he might change and repent.
Give him an ultimatum and dump him if he does not change his ways
It is only right that you let him know that if he does not respect you enough to be true to you then he doesn't deserve you. Tell him that you are willing to walk then next time he checks a female out! Do it - and don't give him another thought if he acts stubborn. He is not worth your while anyway!
Know that he does not care for you
Don't kid yourself that he loves you. The fact that he is always checking other women out and being unfaithful shows that he does not really care. He probably is just going out with you because he has selfish motives. Don't let him rob you of true happiness with someone else - leave him.
Check and see if he is just admiring them in a platonic way
If your boyfriend is in the habit of checking out women and comments on them in a platonic way, like "she's got beautiful hair" or "she's got on a great dress" but also goes out of his way to make you feel special, loved and cared for - then you may have nothing to fear. You could however let him know that you don't like him commenting and giving other females attention.
Sulk, pout and don't let him take you for granted
Don't make him comfortable while he is doing it. Show through your body language and manner that you hate his behavior and will not stand for it. Let it be known that you will walk out on him if he continues being selfish and a cad. You have to let him know that you intend being the only woman in his life!
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